Team Projects for Competition 2022 #prediction algorithms

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Project Team Location Tags
βš‘πŸ’² Bryce Cronin Canberra #netzero #map #solar #energy
Aint no flood gonna stop my train Hackling Canberra #minecraft microsoft
ALOHOMORA ALGORITHM ALOHOMORA ALGORITHM Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #data datasets predictibility betteruse
Aqua Aqua Adelaide #water #sustainability #peerdriven #iot #waterislife #aqua #thefuturecounts
AquaDash AquaDash Digital QLD #water #sustainability #harvesting
ARMRA (Animal Recognition, Mornitoring and Rescue Application) - (Web/Mobile Application) Koala Hackers Moreton Bay #community #machinelearning #imagerecognition #animalcare #virtualadoption #mbrc #qfes #npaw #koala
Austarlian Census 2021 Housing Market Team Top Gun Melbourne β€” Flinders
AuZero AuZero Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #zerocarbon
Bad News is Good News We saw it coming Fremantle #informed decision making #risk management #making a change #acting not reacting
BGLASkill Global - Rockers Digital SA
Bindii Hide and Seek Digital ACT #fauna #flora #biodiversity #environment #community #education #australia #augmented reality #wildlife #children #conservation #contribution #government data #future #exploration
BioDEX BioACT Moreton Bay #fauna #flora #biodiversity #application #interactivemap #act #game #youth #arcmap
Bluebell Milkbox Digital Sydney β€” Surry Hills
Business Barometer Data Florist Digital QLD
Business Butler 🏒 Nightwatch Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #data #small business #charts
Bustle 3Bus Auckland #transport #bus #gis #public #buses #carbon #emission #footprint #travel #geospatial
CanBus CanBus Digital VIC
Cartesian Pin Data Revolution Adelaide #environment #esg #transport #travel #data #health #social #energy #ev #electric #sustainable #vehicle #governance #stats #visual #savings
CDU Job Bright Team Matrix2108 Darwin #cdu #nt #job
CleanRoute Urban Threshold Albany #environment #transport #sustainability #buses #public transport #app #winner #net zero #carbon reduction #cars #trains #trucks #ferries #efficiency
Connectiverse Think Rhino Brisbane β€” Fortitude Valley #community #upskill #leavers #students #culturaldiversity #digitalskills #knowledgesharing #education #localevents #rhinoceros
CRIME (Crime Resource Interface Management Engine) HACKSAW Moreton Bay #crime awareness #queensland police service (qps) #public education
Cultural Diversity in the workplace TelStars Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #telstars #govhack 2022 #diversity #culture #workplace
Cycl Milkbox Digital Sydney β€” Surry Hills
CycleMate CycleMate Sydney β€” Surry Hills #java #xml #androidstudio #github #scss #html #css #javascript
Cyclo The HackMaster Burwood β€” Deakin #cycling
C zero Simply Smart Hackers Adelaide #netzeroemission publictransport publicspaces web3 citylandscape
Data: Cycling Re: Imagine Digital SA #govhack 2022 #cycling #e-bikes #e-scooters #caron-neutral #riding #money
Data: Manage Re: Imagine Digital SA #data #covid-19 #waste repurpose #waste management #corona virus #improvement #information
DebugSA CodeCabin Brisbane β€” Fortitude Valley #fruit fly #debugsa #south australia fruit #department of primary industries and regions
Dirty Watts Questionable Research Labs Whangarei #environment youth energy power iot nz education coal oil electricity
Displacing Diesel 1961 Darwin #tidal energy
Displacing Diesel Arwa_Team 1904 Darwin #saveenergy #advancetechnology
Doctor Now CDU Innovation Team Digital NT #dataanalysis #emergencydepartment #medicalapplication #hospital #doctorconsultation #medicaltraining #healthapplication
Dwell Dwell Sydney β€” Surry Hills
ECo2 EcoHack Adelaide #eco #emissions
Electric Roadrunner Tartans 2022 Adelaide #ev #charging #tourism #regions
Ensuring the safety of our staff Team 2230 Darwin #safety #cdu #nt #workhealthsafety #centraliseddata #qrcode #northernterritory
Ensuring the safety of our staff T4 Navitas Darwin
Ensuring the safety of our staff Challenge Team McAwesomeVille Darwin #govhack #safety #figma #cdu #equipment #workshops #northern territory
E.S.G Becoming Smarter Monkeys Digital VIC #esg
Eucalypta "data" Digital ACT #transport #bus #public transport #canberra #census
EvaQ A Fine Drop Moreton Bay #floods #bushfires #teammoretonbay #disastermanagement #qld
Extensive Hobart Flood Model Flood Panic Hobart #city of hobart #algorithms #flood management #3d models
FaunNTa TNT Darwin #biodiversity #youth #environment #community #grow #skills for the future #stem
Finding your Nature Neighbors Endless Quest Brisbane β€” Fortitude Valley #education flora and fauna biodiversity community environment children and teenager augmented reality
Fixing Gipps Team Q Hobart
FlexTrip Jarvis Melbourne β€” Flinders #dynamicpricing
Flood Alarm Code Sisters Hobart #flood #app #machine learning #ai #city of hobart #abs
Flood, fire and the future: the road to resilience Evil Moreton Bay #flood #freight #route #transport #queensland #rain #economy #evil
Flood Frenzy Auld McDonnell Had a Farm Digital VIC #game simulation flooding mitigation preparedness climate-change
FlyAlert HackX Adelaide
πŸͺ° FlyDAR Datanauts Melbourne β€” Flinders
FreightRelocate Milk is Optional Brisbane β€” St Lucia #freight #map #truck #cargo #cartography
Fremantle Neighbourhood Explorer Open Source Fremantle Fremantle #fremantle
From Skills To Jobs Team 1 Brisbane β€” St Lucia #iot #agribusiness #business #e-learning
Full Bloom Apple Park Albany #education #leaning #graduate #jobs #career #tertiary #university
FunnelCat Drippy Flow Hobart #geolocation #address
Future Freight Hekaton Moreton Bay #freight #transport #trains #trucks #floods #fire #logistics #safety #telematics #rest stops #congestion #cost-effective routes #road to resilience #natural disasters #road closures #planes #bushfires #cyclones #australia #live service
Gamba Alert Team Green Darwin #reduce_wild_fire #reduce_gamba_gass #reduce_gambagrass_risk #gamba_alert
Gamba Grass Management GreenNT Darwin
GeoMatch Team Banico Digital VIC #geocoding #geolocation #indexing
GG ez (Gamba Grass Easy) Lonely Potato Darwin #gambagrass #weedsarebad #potato
GNA Codes Team Vought Digital NSW #geocoding algorithm parser
Good Life School WynTeam Digital VIC #good life school
Green Team The Green Team Moreton Bay #fauna #flora #environment #sustainability #carbon emissions #community #endangered #vulnerable #positive change #playing your part #together everyone achieves more
Growth.ACT S6 Burwood β€” Deakin #community wellbeing act dynamic mental
Honey Badger Honey Badger Sydney β€” North Sydney #prediction #mapping #floods and bushfires
Hydrogen Economy TelStars Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #economy #future #hydrogen #green #renewable #hydrogencredit #5g #westernaustralia #wa #alternatefuel #carbonfree #zeroemission
iCollaborate Inspirers Digital VIC #skills #icollaborate #inspirers #student life #after school #life skills #development
In Sight, In Mind Ravenous Drop Bears Digital WA
Insufficient Data ScoutHack Melbourne β€” Southern Cross
JESSICA Team Banico Digital VIC #citizen science #environment #esg #skills development #scratch
Jobs north of Adelaide just Eric Adelaide
Julu Explorer Lol Lol Digital NSW
Kartukuni Eucalyptus Darwin #machine learning #ai #nt #darwin #indigenous community #aboriginal
Koala Safety Net GovHack3d Moreton Bay #savethekoalas #koalasarepeopletoo #globalwarmingbad
Lynk Lynk Inc. Melbourne β€” Flinders #esg #community #upskill #students #education #localevents #career #digital #mentor #flutter #dart #training #social #connecting
Make Buses Attractive :) Delta Alpha Tango Alpha Auckland
Med Check HackX Adelaide
MediHealth 24/7 OneStopShop Darwin #emergency #telehealth #healthcare #doctor #medicine #mobile app
Meeting short-term health needs outside of a hospital TelStars Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #health #telstars #nutritio #proactive #aiwh #ato #govhack 2022
Meeting short-term health needs outside of a hospital JASSS Darwin
Microfarming at Scale Big Brain Club Brisbane β€” St Lucia #farming
Neighbourly Lol Lol Digital NSW
New Cycle Wales TP Hobart
NTech Digital QLD #reduce #replace #remove #replace diesel #vpp #renewables #green energy #data driven
NZ Litter Bot TurtleSpeed Auckland
Once a flood, probably twice a flood... Hot Water Tea Moreton Bay #freight #transport #trucks #floods #congestion #traffic #telemetry #roadworks #roadplanner
Ozone Team WHK Auckland #sustainability #buses #public transport #at hop #app
Park & Ride IBuilt Auckland #bus #at #publictransport #carbonfootprint #gis #googleapi
Petidcare Keyboard warriors Canberra #wellbeing #govhack2022 #abscensus2021 #health #pets
Pinpoint Team Diversity Candidate Digital TAS #community #education #training #victoria #school #highschooler #earlyleaver #service #reconnect
PipeWatch 28eyes Auckland
PolEx Apples Canberra #act #canberra #government #opendata #wellbing #dashboard #policy #actgov #healthpolicy #powerbi #policyexplorer #explorer
Project 1023 Team 1023 Adelaide #ai #powerbi #computer vision #travelling salesman #arcgis
Project 1845 Team Kiddos Darwin
Project 1849 Team 1849 Adelaide #ai #powerbi #organic waste #southaustralia #ai-computervision #organic waste management
Project 1895 - GreenWe Team 1895 Adelaide #biodiversity #environment #esg #green #savewater #ecosystem
Project Gamba Lol Lol Digital NSW
Project PAS Team PAS Adelaide #efficiency #ai #monte carlo simulation #public pricing
Project Tasmania ZenT Adelaide #wildlife simulator #multiplatform game #natural history of tasmania
Prove.IT team purity Moreton Bay #queensland #digital #skills #2024
Public Transport Optimisation Data Crunchers Melbourne β€” Flinders
Rain Alert Team Leo Hobart #rain #chartjs #webapp #python
Rain Way Techstorm Hobart #artificial intelligence #machine learning #prediction #human–computer interaction #big data #smart city #digital transformation
Re-bill AUSR Digital TAS
Revive Victoria Revive Digital VIC #environment #reducereuserecycle #climateaction #zerowaste #sustainableliving #supportlocal #bethechange
re:waste Simply Smart Hackers Adelaide #rewaste sa ssh
Rintern Disturbing Jerks Brisbane β€” St Lucia #community #jobs #digital #training #skills #digital skills #online #platform #recruiting #grants #community centres #neighborhood #neighborhood centres
Road Riska Tom Petty Hobart
Saving Water, Saving the Future J.I.K.A.E Moreton Bay #water #water saving #govhack #fun
SCHOOLZONE Happy Melbourne β€” Flinders #bus #public transport #census #australia #victoria #tram #train #schools #zones
Secret school project Team School Data Melbourne β€” Flinders
Seequence Perth #app #fremantle #discover #adventure #local tourism
Skillstream Scrubby Hackers Digital QLD
Small business performance indicators Student Rookies Brisbane β€” St Lucia #business
SmartFreight AUSR Digital TAS #freight #toll
SmartTrap Fruit Fly Warriors Adelaide #esg #govhack2022 #smarttrap #fruitfly
Spacey TS Tribute Sydney β€” Surry Hills #environment #economy #social #office #housing #covid #rent #vacancy
SuburbHub Wellbeing Warriors Canberra #act #wellbeing #government #opendata #mentalhealth #govhack22 #greenspaces #technology
Supply Chain Optimisation The Diazes Digital NSW
Sustainable Variable Pricing for Public Transportation in the ACT The Diazes Digital NSW
TAPS TAPS Dancers Burwood β€” Deakin #unitywater #taps #save water #digital water #track water #algorithms #prediction algorithms #digitising your drinking water #unity water
Tas-Icons Smart Monkeys Digital VIC
Think Before You Drink Team 0000 Darwin
Towards Zero Net Emission Through Active Transport The Diazes Digital NSW
Traboh Floodo Tom Hobart
"TRACE-ACT" - Transport Intelligent Observation Platform TelStars Melbourne β€” Southern Cross #act #public transport #canberra #trace-act #telstars #data driven pricing
TransCO2 TransCO2 Moreton Bay
Trash Terminator Insert Name Here_ Albany #environment #covid-19 #pollution and wellbeing.
Triaid Deakin 0-Day Burwood β€” Deakin #triaid #emergency #nt #triage
UnityMizu Mizu Hobart #water #realtime #transparent #marketing
Unitywater Water usage reduction To The Moon Moreton Bay
Urban Cycleways NSW The Diazes Digital NSW
Urban Design and Amenity AUSR Digital TAS #landscape #urban design #open spaces #tech #transportation
V CARE MATRIX Sydney β€” Surry Hills #appleaday
Violet Iron Tom P Hobart
WaterSaver The Company Moreton Bay #water savers unitywater environment sustainability govhack
WaterTrack Water Adelaide #unitywater #iot #ios #aftereffects #finalcut #adobexd #zigbee #zwave
Water Watch Water Watchers Moreton Bay #application #water #unitywater
Wheels of change Wheels of change Adelaide #cityofadelaide organicwaste garbage wheelsofchange
Workplace Safety Up Darwin #artificial intelligence system implement on existing cameras.
XChange 1Newbie Adelaide