Project Description
Cyclo is an application that promote cycling and using of public transport by gamifying it and making reward system.
We are gamifying the cycling and alternate transport experience. Using beautifully designed interactive maps, users can plan their best alternate transport and cycling routes. Users will be rewarded after each trip and shown the emissions reduced by choosing to not drive. There will be a leader board system to show the most active users and the map will contain GHG emission levels pulled from public datasets for different areas, both of which will encourage cycling. Points earned can be used to purchase in game items and cosmetics.
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Problems we identified
How Cyclo solves these problems
The solution is delivered with the mobile application where user can earn points by using traveling using public transport or cycling. Here is how the points are earned:
Cyclo App
You can tap on and off with your phone to use public transport and earn point.
Your avatar is changed when you change from public transport to cycling and vise versa.
You can customise your avatar with points earned.
Redeems voucher with points earned.
Shows the Carbon Footprint you reduced by cycling.
Points are earned by using public transport during the time when users tap on and off (4 hours maximum score earned per day).
Points are earned by cycling to the destination, the point is calculated using travel emission.
Users are able to see emission they reduced by cycling during the period.
Data Story
The emissions datasets from the government is not precise enough up to individual suburbs. It only has CO2 emissions data up to every state. Our project assumes that a significant proportion of emissions in non-industrial zones (i.e.: business and residential areas) comes from vehicle usage.
To estimate the carbon emissions of an area up to a suburb level of precision, we use traffic volume datasets which are openly available from state governments. If we can find out how much carbon dioxide is released per liter of fuel consumed, and we find out how much fuel the average vehicle uses annually, we can estimate how much carbon dioxide is released by the average vehicle annually. We can estimate the carbon emissions of an area by correlating the number of vehicles driving on nearby roads in a year with the average yearly carbon emissions of vehicles.