The 2021 Australian Census
Jurisdiction: Australia
How might we link the 2021 Census data with open data to highlight or solve a challenge Australians are facing
The 2021 Census has revealed key insights about where we live, our ancestry and what languages we speak. It contains rich information about the nation, giving insight on cultural diversity, families and homes, employment, health issues and how we changed during the pandemic. Use this valuable data to help Australians.
Prompts to help spark ideas:
• How can Australians use Census data to improve their lives?
• How can Census data be used to help communities in Australia?
• How can we better surface Census data for decision makers?
• How can decision makers use Census data to solve problems?
• How can Census data be used in practical ways to connect services with the people who need them?
Additional Information:
Video guidance:
GovHack Digital Conference 2022 - Accessing the value of Census data
Relevant links:
• ABS - Data Services
• DataPacks - Bulk download Census data for multiple geographic areas in CSV files
• GeoPackages - Bulk download Census data for multiple areas in geospatially enabled files
• Data Explorer - Explore ABS datasets including Census, create tables, filter data, download CSV & Excel files or generate an API call based on your selection
• ABS Data API - Access to ABS datasets including Census via ‘machine to machine’ service
Image credit: Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Eligibility: Teams are encouraged to use datasets from a variety of sources, but at least one must be drawn from the ABS Census 2021.
Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.
Dataset Highlight
Census 2021 data tools