"TRACE-ACT" - Transport Intelligent Observation Platform

Project Info

TelStars thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

AmeetB , Syam , Thiru , Chitra Raju , Saravanakumar , Praveen PL , Arun Abilash

Project Description

"TRACE-ACT", a real-time public transport statistics dashboard based out of observability data models enabling the government to visualize real-time usage patterns and take informed decisions.

#public transport #canberra #act #trace-act #telstars #data driven pricing

Data Story

Daily Public Transport Passenger Boardings By Passenger Group

Average Trip Time Categorised by Trip Purpose and Time of Day
Boardings By Stop By Hour 2020 - 2021


Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Boardings By Stop By Hour 2020 - 2021

Data Set

Average Trip Time Categorised by Trip Purpose and Time of Day

Data Set

Daily Public Transport Passenger Boardings By Passenger Group

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Pricing public transport

How might we price public transport to balance capacity supply and patronage demand?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.