Project Description
BGLASkill is an integrated website which can be used by job seekers, high school students, graduates, teachers, education institutes, companies and government organisations, as it is linked with ongoing demands in the BGLA region.

Problems we identified
- Barossa, Gawler, Light and Adelaide Plains regional areas suffered from COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and made the economy go down.
- They are also facing a challenge in keeping people to work in the region,
- The government are thing to find the right person for the right job to save cost.
Solving problems
BGLA has implemented different action plans for the upcoming 5 or 10 years by creating jobs and deliver rewarding local career options. These indicates different job skill sets are required.
BGLASkill combines regional jobs data pack, courses offered in BGLA and government’s economic plan to do data analysis. BGLASkill website will assist future job trends by mapping the location of current jobs posted by companies and will further direct the job seeker, high school students and graduates to courses which have been offered to meet the current skill demands which are required.
The dynamic dashboard of the current trend in jobs and the time series analysis will predict the number of jobs posted will help to choose the right course that offers the company's required skill set. In addition, the dashboard will be added indicative of where the major projects are currently in-process and economic investment planned for upcoming job markets.
Finally, BGLASkill is a scalable website and integrated solution to address the gaps in identifying the skills sets which further guides employee to up-skill their knowledge and be market relevant.
- Job Seeker, High School Students and Graduates - Identifies the required job market which will assist them to up-skill.
- Teachers and Career Advisors - Guiding students for their career paths.
- Job Provider - Identify which region the major talent pool is based in and identify which institute is providing the required skill sets.
- Education institutes - Reallocate the resources for better planning.
- Government organisation - To identify the trend and economic investment which will go in sync by the organisation and education institute.
Future recommendation
- BGLASkill website will add upcoming industries sanctioned by the government and a predictive model to the upcoming number of jobs.
- The education institute should engage with companies to identify the gaps and re-structure the skill set as required by companies.
- The website will further update jobs profile from the RGA job pool for region-specific requirements.