Project Description
Introducing the Latest and Greatest from Apple Park!
Project Full Bloom
The modern app that connects students with vital opportunities.
Our "Full Bloom" app is for students, trainers, and businesses. It's a social media app that connects all three and it puts people in direct contact with them.
Giving students the ability to connect to workers and get employed for their first job.
Accommodating student interests we filter our curated selection of choices for each individual and unique student. We allow them to gain those vital skills for their desired workplace. But here at Apple Park, we go further, we're not just informing them on a workplace's desired skills, but we stay with our students as we help them through their inevitable issues, like housing, financials, and their mental house.
- We’re Giving people the ability to connect to workers and get
employed for their first job.
- We’re giving people the ability to get the qualifications they need.
- We’re giving people the knowledge their need to get their desired
bachelor's degree
- We’re Accommodating to student interests as we filter our curated
selection of advice for each individual and unique person.
Let's say you’re an up-and-coming barista and you're looking for the training required to break into the workforce. Launch the app and using our curated journey that’s unique for your situation we guide you through the steps of your training and qualifications. We put you in direct contact with those that are ready to help, and in no time at all the plan will be set, and all that is left is for you to start making some coffee.
But let’s flip the table, let's say you’re a good Samaritan wanting to help your community, do you have the talents and skills that today's youth would benefit from? Much like students, launch the app and tell us about yourself, and how you can help make a difference in your local community.
Find those ready to help, with the we discover tab, with a design that’s already familiar to you. See trainer's past students and their success. Take advantage of the information for university degrees, and if you're a business looking for work, see who’s available and what is needed from you to create a booming community. Have a position that is available for the disabled? Reach out to them and give them that chance.
If your student needing help with housing, budgeting, and mental health, we've got the resources for you!
We designed an app that allows people to interact and exchange ideas, and their needs for work and employers. It is essentially an app designed like social media for students, employers, and freelance people to find work, or people to work for them. On the sign-up page, you are asked if you are a student, an employer, or a freelance, and your page is customised. On your profile, you enter your interests, skills, and preferences, you also must enter your postcode. The homepage has a list of recommended employers, or employees, depending on the status you chose. The profiles are there for you to possibly contact people to help with your journey in life. It contains articles, for people to advertise their small businesses, and for people to share their experiences.
In the categories, users are given the opportunity to select an area to look at, recommendations and possible opportunities for transport, university, jobs, housing, advice, work experience, connections, budget, skills, finance, articles, businesses, quizzes, recommendations, and “Consult and Learn.”
In transport, people are given the chance to look for public transport near them if they don’t already have a way to travel. Data from the schedules is used to formulate a page on routes and times.
In university, students can enter their location and postcode to find opportunities for universities near them, and if they want a university in another place, they can enter said location in the information bar. Students can filter results to find the university perfect for them, and that supports the future career that they want to pursue.
Jobs, people can find part and full-time jobs, online, and physical. They can filter and search for the perfect opportunities, and they can search for a broad array of subjects.
In housing, people can search for houses near family, near their education, or near their work. The options to choose whether they want to rent or buy is singular housing or shared university accommodations, and apartments. They can filter according to their preferred price range, whether the house accepts pets, and even find contacts for builders.
In advice, we provide ways to qualify for your desired career, and ways to keep connections and commitments, and it involves links to printable timetables customised to your schedule.
In work experience, people are provided with ways to gain work experience, recommended experiences for your dream job, and where to gain work experience.
In connections, people can connect with possible employees or employers, work options within your community, communicate with others of the same interests and skills as you, people with disadvantages are given opportunities for work, and people within your community to connect with.
In the budget, users are given advice on how to control an adequate budget, customised spending planners, management, recommended choices for purchases within your budget, and links to other budgeting apps.
In skills, users are given the advice to strengthen and improve their skills, and jobs with the need for your skills.
In finance, users are given ways to manage their finance and methods for investment, and you can search for jobs with a specific salary to what you are looking for.
In articles, people can post information about their business, and their advice and experiences.
In businesses, people can promote and advertise small businesses, or find opportunities to start their own. People find links to starting or joining/working for a business.
In quizzes, users are given the opportunity to be recommended jobs based on their input in the quiz. There are quizzes on your custom journey, Job recommendations, Pets recommended for your line of work, Recommended timetable set-up, and recommendations for people with a disability.
In recommended, users are given recommended articles, and profiles of people to interact with, similar to a
“For you page” in social media.
In “Consult and Learn”, users are given links to email and communicate with businesses they are interested in working with, people can provide videos introducing their business and what they are looking for in an employee.
So download the app now and reach your FULL BLOOM!

Data Story
Employers can view data on people who need work in their field of expertise, and can view their profiles and interact with them. On the sign-up, when people select “looking for work” they are automatically added to a percentage, and on the employer’s page, the percentages show up, and when pressed on, they show the people that selected that option.
The 2021 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post-school destinations data set allows us to see our potential audience size. We can see who is looking for employment. Employers can see who in their local area is needing work and if now is the right time to reach out. This data set states the current employment state of all year 12 graduates in the Victoria region. Displaying as a percentage it states who is currently enrolled in a degree, and who is employed full time.
The ABS Labor Force Statistics helped us decide how to incorporate different statistics into our final product. It gave us intricate insight into the state of well-being and who actually makes up our local employable demographic. It can tell us how many disabled people are in our local community and are looking for work.
The GOV Regional Job Finder data set helped us to find out how regional Australia is already helping young people to connect with jobs in regional Australia and showed what we needed to improve on.
The GOV of VIC Tech Schools Opportunities data set helped us see the abundance of STEM opportunities available to graduates and students alike all over AUS. It allowed us to dedicate time to the STEM sector as we put resources into improving upon the education level of STEM Students.
The ATO Small business performance indicators data set can be used and incorporated by business accounts on our app as they can compare there hire rates to other business around the nation.
Finally, the GOV of VIC School Industry Roundtables data set showed us a perspective of how the government of Australia is using their resources to connect students and graduates to jobs in regional AUS. This played a key role in developing our Application and allowed us to know what it was that was needing development.