Aint no flood gonna stop my train
Using data to make a Minecraft build to show case what will happen if it floods across an important railway track now and in the future
Go to Project | Hackling
Using data to make a Minecraft build to show case what will happen if it floods across an important railway track now and in the future
Go to Project | Hackling
A flood warning app that gives different levels of warnings with recommendations on what is the best course of action in the circumstances what they should pack in their emergency bag etc... The data from the ABS and the City of Hobart is pulled into an algorithm. Through the use of machine learn...
Go to Project | Code Sisters
We have created a fun online game whose objective is to protect a town's houses from damage due to flooding. We have also created a simulation mode where random mountainous terrain can be generated, and floods can be simulated. # Game Mode Our game allows the user to build walls to prote...
Go to Project | Auld McDonnell Had a Farm
 This is a GovHack 2022 submission, primarily targeted at the [flood, fire and the future: the road to resilience](
Go to Project | Milk is Optional
GIS with Web camera applied on AI. Predicting extreme weather is a complex algorithm. We not only need to create new technologies, but also need to integrate resources. The project is based on the combination of terrain, water pipeline map, gis map, meteorological radar and the latest AI trainin...
Go to Project | Techstorm
Project Description: Australia relies on freight to keep the economy moving. The transport and logistics sectors of the Australian economy are estimated to contri...
Go to Project | AUSR
Using flood, fire, congestion and rest stop data the most resilient and cost-effective route can be determined while also offering live service updates depending on current road conditions to ensure safety! Team Members (UniSC Sippy Downs): Samuel Jorgensen Michael Calzada Riley Ellacott T...
Go to Project | Hekaton
Predicting roads closure affected by floods and bushfires # Problem The problem we were looking to solve was the supply chain disruption caused by weather events such as flooding and fires. This can impact trucks, cyclists, and other vehicles regardless of whether you are in NSW or Hobart. ...
Go to Project | Honey Badger
--- # What's the Problem When natural disasters happen such as fires or floods, the quicker the people affected know of it, the better they can manage the effects. A notification just 30 minutes sooner can mean the difference between being able to safely evacuate a soon-to-be flooded road or ...
Go to Project | A Fine Drop
Australia's economic loss due to flooding has been catastrophic. With the foreseen increase in rain events surrounding and effecting Queensland, it is crucial to introduce strategic transport planning for our freight carriers. This project proposes the creation of an app that will assist tran...
Go to Project | Evil
Using computer vision to analysis satellite imagery to monitor flood and fire risk, combine this with BOM and other datasets to highlight potential high risk areas.
Go to Project | Tom Petty