Entries to Discovering our region’s environment and biodiversity

Catalogue | Table
Data: Cycling

With the increasing price of driving, especially with gas, alternative transportations such as bikes and scooters have become popular and essential to our country. Furthermore, emissions that are produced by cars and other transportations are causing a massive impact on the world, such as climate...

Go to Project | Re: Imagine


# Bluebell **Govhack 2022 entry for Discovering our region’s environment and biodiversity challenge: How might ACT data encourage children and young people to appreciate and engage with Canberra’s environment and biodiversity?** https://hackerspace.govhack.org/challenges/discovering_our_region_...

Go to Project | Milkbox Digital

Electric Roadrunner

# Electric Roadrunner **Electric Roadrunner** is a content management solution and API for use in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging apps to highlight tourism opportunities in the area of the EV charging stations. EVs challenge us to reframe our thinking about road trip pit stops. They represen...

Go to Project | Tartans 2022


What is Bindii ======= ------<br> ![Bindii] (https://a.storyblok.com/f/149050/1920x1080/a921d7747e/bindi_cover.jpg) ![Bindii] (https://a.storyblok.com/f/149050/1920x1080/8614efbf6e/cover.jpg) ------<br> Bindii is a fun and interactive mobile app that teaches kids about our native fl...

Go to Project | Hide and Seek


Information below and more can be found on our project homepage: https://github.com/mysticfakir/DTC_GovHack2022 PROBLEMS WE HAVE IDENTIFIED As the population in ACT continues to increase, people will have less available space, this includes green spaces, per capita. The amount and quality of...

Go to Project | Wellbeing Warriors

Julu Explorer

How might ACT data encourage children and young people to appreciate and engage with Canberra’s environment and biodiversity? In order to appreciate environment and biodiversity we first need to instill an inquisitiveness and exploration thought process in kids. Gamification is considered...

Go to Project | Lol Lol

ARMRA (Animal Recognition, Mornitoring and Rescue Application) - (Web/Mobile Application)

Machine Learning Animal Care Platform - Mobile App, Community Engagement

Go to Project | Koala Hackers


Petidcare is a cross-platform (developed in react native) application that allows pet owners and pet service providers, especially vets to improve their health and wellbeing. It is a digital platform that enables owners, and pet service providers to securely record/access/track pet information di...

Go to Project | Keyboard warriors

Finding your Nature Neighbors

## Design Background Due to the deterioration of the environment, the occurrence of extreme weather is getting more frequent, which is closely related to continuous industrial development. Many species lost their habitat due to the neglect of protection of the ecological environment. Hence, how ...

Go to Project | Endless Quest


## [Visit our Scratch demo at https://bit.ly/jessica-demo.](https://bit.ly/jessica-demo) ![screen](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasebanico/GovHack2022-JESSICA/main/artifacts/ux-and-data-fields.png) Citizen Science is when the public voluntarily help conduct scientific research, and sha...

Go to Project | Team Banico


BioDEX is an interactive mobile application that stores flora and fauna data when the user collects and records each individual. The application interacts with previous collected data on species locations and attributes and will continue to update these data sources. The BioDEX application is...

Go to Project | BioACT

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