Entries to Protecting South Australian growers from Fruit Fly

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Our solution, the SmartTrap, is a revolutionary and innovative product which promptly communicates where fruit fly are being detected and allows the South Australian government to notify the right growers as quickly and accurately as possible. ## Problems we identified with the current process...

Go to Project | Fruit Fly Warriors


Enables rapid responses to fruit fly outbreaks by automatically alerting fruit growers in affected areas.

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What is Bindii ======= ------<br> ![Bindii] (https://a.storyblok.com/f/149050/1920x1080/a921d7747e/bindi_cover.jpg) ![Bindii] (https://a.storyblok.com/f/149050/1920x1080/8614efbf6e/cover.jpg) ------<br> Bindii is a fun and interactive mobile app that teaches kids about our native fl...

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**The Problem** Fruit flies across Australia cause significant productivity, financial and environmental impacts every year to the fruit and vegetable industry. Whilst South Australia is doing a great job in managing these pests and are the only mainland state recognised as being fruit fly free,...

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🪰 FlyDAR

##FlyDAR Fruit Fly Detection Alert Response ##Our Team Michael Lisitsa (linkedin.com/in/michael-lisitsa-612b3961/)<br/> Junior Software Developer and former Civil Engineer <br/> Lana Cowling (linkedin.com/in/lanacowling/)<br/> Former Public Servant and aspiring Software Developer...

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