Entries to Best utilisation of public transportation for climate impact

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## The Problem New Zealand’s emissions per person were the sixth highest, globally, at 16.9 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) per capita. A contributor to these emissions are ordinary citizens' private vehicle usage, which increased 109% from 2007 to 2020 *(source: Stats NZ)*. Furthermor...

Go to Project | Team WHK

Park & Ride

# Problem Statement <li> <ol>People need multiple bus and train trips to get to a destination, and there is a big time lag with transition time. compared to driving. </ol> <ol> Buses sometimes are not reliable, cancellations with no notice, often get delayed</ol> <ol>The routine is not person...

Go to Project | IBuilt


# Problem Statement Many cities recognise that good public transport services that meet passenger needs are key to supporting a city’s economy, the wellbeing of citizens and many other environmental and societal benefits. However, despite the many advantages we often see a low occupancy rate wit...

Go to Project | 3Bus

Make Buses Attractive :)

The problem is that not enough people are using public transport within Australia and New Zealand. Whilst buses are a fantastic idea for communities to commute and transit, they are severely under-utilised.

Go to Project | Delta Alpha Tango Alpha

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