Helllo Future
Hello Future is a web platform that utilises available data about industries and employment to provide some suggestions relating to career development and education for users, particularly young students
Go to Project | Never_give_up
Hello Future is a web platform that utilises available data about industries and employment to provide some suggestions relating to career development and education for users, particularly young students
Go to Project | Never_give_up
Switchcase has developed a platform, designed to be a "common hemisphere" for abilities, outlines the variety of talents associated to jobs and allows for the examination of links and transferability of these skill set. Clusters of skills represent groupings of activities that are similar in n...
Go to Project | SwitchCase Project 2
Discover(ie) jobs related to you! We key in on personal interest (media consumption based on YouTube) and personality type to leverage machine learning to suggest jobs you might be interested in!
Go to Project | Dizzie
Go to Project | 👾 Slackers 👾
Australia unemployment rate is rising sharply because of COVID-19. More and more people are hired as casual staff, and some are looking for a permanent job. To facilitate both businesses and job seekers to find their ideal match, Seekareer is here to help! Compared to current job-seeking applicat...
Go to Project | Seekareer
As we progress into the future, it is vital to our economy and future generation that we understand the trend for emerging and future workforce skills. We want to explore how we might provide a guiding hand for the general public and future generation on their skill development and career path...
Go to Project | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Go to Project | ET
Over the GovHack weekend, we first viewed the challenges as soon as they were released on Friday night. After selecting two challenges we worked on brainstorming for the rest of the night while also looking over the available datasets. Once we happy with our night’s work we called it a night and ...
Go to Project | Optimo GovHack
**PROBLEM STATEMENT AND SOLUTION** To address the demand for employment, we build an end-to-end, user-friendly, robust and dynamic platform called 'Janus' to reimagine digital employment services in Australia. Janus will be available both as a website and as a mobile application. Along with ...
Go to Project | Scotty
The agriculture industry has always been synonymous with Australia — from beef, wool and dairy exports, to crop production ensuring Australians always have food on the table. Agribusinesses display a formidable amount of resilience through challenges, including during recent bushfires, floods and...
Go to Project | DI/CER Dream Team
**Aussie Career Map** helps to make smart career decisions based on realtime **Australian job market data**. Did you know that even after the COVID-19 pandemic, job vacancies have gone up by 38% in Australia compared to pre-COVID? This means although some industries like Hospitality, Beauty are a...
Go to Project | Nila
We will use a rapid-application-development tool to quickly create a browseable database using some of the available data sets.
Go to Project | Team Tom 'n Suse
We implement a reverse search that allows general public to build skill profiles and match their skill set to the potential industry and career paths. At the moment, Australian Skills Classification’s search requires you to have the domain knowledge to drill down to the skill requirements for...
Go to Project | Team 1468 - VietAusIT - Brisbane
Presenting Project El Camino from team JesseWeMustCode! VIDEO : [https://youtu.be/zG1KaEbFiwU](https://youtu.be/zG1KaEbFiwU) DEMO PAGE : [http://verifour.com](http://verifour.com) -> People often have a preconceived notion of the jobs they're supposed to have. The job landscape is so v...
Go to Project | JesseWeHaveToCode
The Occupation Interchange is a web portal that allows the public to search occupations to view the required skills and expected salary.
Go to Project | Data Florist
  Since the beta launch,...
Go to Project | Team SMAD
We have decided a two pronged approach to help youth of Australia to find an employment opportunity and get trained on upcoming skills which are in demand in Australia:- 1. Path Finder App 2. Path Finder Portal Our solution, Path Finder is a mobile first platform one stop solution that will as...
Go to Project | Think Tank
We have developped a simple, straight-foward prototype app to guide senior highschool students on their career path using algorithms and publicly avaliable data. We have strongly prioritized simplicity of user interfaces, as our goal for development is implementations as school-wide surveys. This...
Go to Project | HackGov
Market space is an app that will allow you to see all the information about the the food that you buy. There is a consumer app and a farmer app, the farmer app will allow you to check if fences are down via a drone which has a set course for it to follow and if you have lost some livestock it wi...
Go to Project | MBCC GovHackers
 # How to Plan My Next Midlife Crisis ##A project from the team with noname One thing that unites the members of the team with noname is that they never quite knew what careers they wanted to end up...
Go to Project | the team with no noname
Hello everyone Welcome to project "Work Ready" from Team Scorpio. This project is directly aimed at addressing Youth Employment and upskilling for the digital future of the post Covid world. We have harnessed data sets from various public domain and reliable sources including Australian Burea...
Go to Project | Scorpio
Human beings are a social species. We reply on cooperation to survive. We are wired to connect...and it feels good to be part of team. To contribute to our community and serve our purpose. Having a job opens up all of these opportunities for us. Being engaged in work allows us to meet new people...
Go to Project | TeamYF