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Evidence of Work

Path Finder

Project Info

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Team Name

Think Tank

Team Members

Saket Khard , Tushar , Varun Patel , Bhavik Chugh , Neeraj , Parameshwari Uppu , Rakesh Unni , Ankush Jain , Poonam , Ashok

Project Description

We have decided a two pronged approach to help youth of Australia to find an employment opportunity and get trained on upcoming skills which are in demand in Australia:-
1. Path Finder App
2. Path Finder Portal
Our solution, Path Finder is a mobile first platform one stop solution that will assist the Australian youth and jobseeker to help them shape their professional career and guide aspiring young minds step by step on how to become a professional expert in their area of interest. In the backend this app will understand the candidate's profile in detail in terms of their interest, education and career aspiration. This when combined with publicly available data from various government agencies will help recommend hot skills, learning paths and job openings and career counselling to all the Australian youth and jobseekers.
Path Finder portal is a one stop shop for all the relevant stakeholders who want to get 360 degree view of Australian youth’s employment and education. Government Agencies will be able to access insights from this converged data in the form of various dashboards. Even third-party apps and recruiters will be able to access the skill rich profile data for targeted employment opportunities.
Path Finder is a modern technological solution which will use digital technologies that includes but is not limited to AI, ML and workflow automation.
We would utilize the API economy to include more participants like Universities, Job Portals and Companies.

#job seekers #human centric design #employment service providers #employers #employment skills #digital api #geolocation #job assistance #jobs #process automation #digital experience #employment assistance #ai #ml #design thinking

Data Story

1.Skills Priority List
•Shortages have been identified in 153 occupations (19% of assessed occupations) nationally.

•As per Labour Market Information Portal job vacancies available in the month of July 2021 are 232,600 while unemployed people are 679,000.
•This represents clear case of skill deficiencies within the people.
=>Hence the upcoming youth should be guided to the occupations and skillset that are in shortage so that demand of the both industry and citizens are satisfied.

2.Employment Data:-
• With help of the employment data and demographic information we were able to find that Youth is engaged in approximately 15.3 % of overall employment.
• 10.2% youth is unemployed while national average is 4.9%.
=>Hence we deduce that youth form a vital part of overall employment in Australia but their unemployment %is higher than national average which requires special attention.

3.Employment Projection (Nov-2020 to Nov-2025)
=>Employment is projected to increase in 17 of the 19 broad industries over the five years from November 2020 to November 2025.
=>Broad Industries where employment will grow by more than 10% are: -
•Health Care and Social Assistance: +249,500 (14.2 %)
•Accommodation and Food Services: +105,400 (11.2 %)
•Professional, Scientific and Technical Services: +131,100 (11.0 %)
•Education and Training: +118,600 (10.8 %)

=>Broad Industries where employment will degrow are : -
•Information Media and Telecommunications: -7,500 (-3.9 %)
•Manufacturing: -5,900 (-0.7 %)
=>From this we can deduce that incoming youth should be guided to get experience in high employment growth industry.

4.Employment Projection (Nov-2020 to Nov-2025)

=>Occupations where employment will grow by more than 15% are :-
•ICT Professionals: +92,630 (26.6 %)
•Hospitality Workers: +56,680 (22.9 %)
•Legal, Social and Welfare Professionals: +49,800 (17.5 %)
•Carers and Aides: 87910 (15.9%)
•Health Professional: 101080 (15.2%)
=>Occupations where employment will degrow are:-
•Personal Assistant & Secretaries: -13,980 (-16.6 %)
•Chief Executives, GMs and Legislators: -4,890 (-5.9 %)
•Clerical & Office Support Workers: -3,680 (-4.7 %)
=>From this we can deduce that incoming youth should be guided to get trained for the occupations that shows growth in employment in future.

5.Employment Projection (Nov-2020 to Nov-2025)

•Employment for People with bachelor’s and Advanced Degree (Skill Level 1) will grow by 11.8 %
•Employment for People with Certificate II & III (Skill Level 4) will grow by 7.7

=>From this we can deduce that youth should pursue the education, training and certification in above mentioned skills.

6.HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) Data :-

•Students that pursue education in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Law are more likely to repay their entire education loan
•Students that pursue education in Nursing, Tourism and Business Management pay their entire loan in less time than others students.

=> Students should be guided to field of education such that they can easily repay their loan based on their current financial situation.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Skill Shortage Data

Description of Use From this data set we can understand that there is skill shortage in Australia and there are certain skills which have severe shortage. Based on the shortage data government can plan for upskilling their citizen else prescribe youth the skills they should take up in future. We can use this data in our algorithm to determine the which skills to recommend to the youth based on their interest

Data Set

Employment Data

Description of Use Data available about the employment details and demographic data related to employment helped us to understand the employment status of Youth and their overall contribution to the employment figures in Australia

Data Set


Description of Use Data of loan repayment based on Field of education will help students to understand which Field of Education provides them the salary that can help them payback their education loans as soon as possible. These data will also help government officials to understand which Field of Education leads to more delays in loan payment and will help them advice students to pickup correct field based on their current financial situations.

Data Set

Vacancy Data

Description of Use Vacancy data w.r.t skill level, Occupation and Location will help us to recommend jobs to job seeker based on their priorities and interest. It will also help job seeker to understand which geographies has better opportunity for them based on their skills and occupation. We can recommend the youth to pursue courses which are in demand in their locations.

Data Set

Employment Projection (Nov 2020- Nov 2025)

Description of Use Data about projections of employment for Industry, Occupation and Skill Level for year 2025 will help to understand the future skills and occupation requirements. It will help us use AI&ML algorithms to provide recommendation to youth based on their interest. It will help to provide guidance to youth about their chosen career path and whether they should reskill based on future trends.

Data Set

Skills Priority List

Description of Use This data will help us understand which skills are in shortage in various industries and occupation and which skills to recommend to youth so that they are more employment ready for the industry. This will help in reducing the skill gap requirement between industry and upcoming graduates/students

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Exploring the National Skills Commission’s Australian Skills Classification

How can the general public learn about and be encouraged to interact with the Australian Skills Classification to identify skills within occupations, identify their own skillsets and identify transferability to other occupations of interest?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.

Youth education and employment

How might we use publicly available data to identify education and employment opportunities for our youth?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.