Entries to Making Reaching Out Easier

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Wellhub - community support button

We’ve created a simple, user-friendly and easily accessible tool that is designed as a widespread solution for people going through depression, anxiety & needing an opportunity to reach out or just get through their daily struggles. The colours and design are focused to also support the well-bein...

Go to Project | YetiTech

Mental Heath Way Point

Mental Health Waypoint gives people the information they need to reach out to get support.

Go to Project | Mental Heath Way Point

Cuddle - Simple, Easy, and Friendly Support System That Reaching Out To You First

By using the open datasets, we predict a group of citizens who has a higher potential to suffer a mental illness based on their age, gender, and ethnicity. Then, we reach out first by providing a simple survey and suggest the right support service quickly.

Go to Project | LockDown

Hoa - Stronger Together

Facilitate the management and development of ASD in a social manner. Three functions: 1) Scheduled supervised sessions 2) Unsupervised session 3) Independent learning sessions

Go to Project | ctrl-alt-delete


# Making Reaching Out Easier Grounded is an app designed to make it easier for people in need to reach out to specialist help. Asking for help can be a daunting process, so Grounded streamlines the process with a simple app that lets you collect your thoughts and find the right specialist fo...

Go to Project | SCP Scanhunt 3.0

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