Our Project is based working with local artists to create sculptures, paintings and large scale murals that incorporate objects that would otherwise end up in landfill every year.
Go to Project | Manic Men
Our Project is based working with local artists to create sculptures, paintings and large scale murals that incorporate objects that would otherwise end up in landfill every year.
Go to Project | Manic Men
InstaPlace is focussed on developing a sense of place for our young people, which is the fundamental way in which they can understand who they are. The region in which someone grows up, the places they visit and the relationships they form are crucial in this process. InstaPlace seeks to suppo...
Go to Project | GSG Govhackers
A collection depot has million of trash and some of them already had an object detection technology to filtering but they haven't used that data to make an application for the community yet. The more precisely people trash in, the less effort for delivering and collection depots also. Imagin...
Go to Project | govstory
Educating the community about waste management and resource recovery, and encouraging more mindful behaviour through AI based reward or penalty systems. The goal is a long term reduction in waste to landfill through better community engagement from government provided waste collection services.
Go to Project | Noosa Waste Management
Scoot over is an app that can be used by both locals and visitors to get around the Darwin CBD and surroundings. It has a list of points of interest and will design a route based on imported weather conditions from the IoT sensors. There are safety reminders about using the scooter and avoids the...
Go to Project | Four21
Voice has always been the quickest and easiest way for humans to communicate information. Finally our technology is catching up and voice is quickly becoming the primary way that we interact with the digital world. Introducing Darwin's own Voice Assistant. A way for both Darwinites and visitor...
Go to Project | Darwin Voice Assistant
It’s not only about shorter showers. How do the decisions we make every day influence water supply and distribution? We have created a native iOS Mobile App to play an interactive story of an everyday encounter, where you have to make simple choices that lead to different outcomes (a lush ...
Go to Project | Ripple Effect
SwacchCity (Clean city) is a digital ecosystem initiative based on data analytics, AI, ML and Image processing to understand different usages of waste and recycle it in a better automated way for making the city clean.
Go to Project | AccoutureRockers
Our climate is changing, but water remains one of our most precious resources. Australia is shaped by drought. We are a land of harsh terrain and harsh weather. Droughts over the last few years have had a large footprint, long duration and high intensity. > “The next war in the Middle Eas...
Go to Project | RoboRoyals
Our project is going to introduce a new waste bin for collecting plastic waste. To motivate more people to reduce the use of plastic products, this new bin will record their usage of plastic products, if the users have reduced the plastic products to certain amounts, they are able to claim prizes.
Go to Project | Team 532
10 GovHack Challenges combined
Go to Project | LAN19
Our project will clean storm water drains of litter and rubbish floating through them. It will be called the Tidal Change. It consists of a net that can rotate up and down to move litter into a container. It will be entirely solar powered and require very little maintenance. This project is desig...
Go to Project | There4
# Sustainability - By🌱Smart Green Growth🌱 ## Context ### The challenge ## Introduction ### Our project is a [hydrophonic system]( that conserves the use of water. it does this by preventing loss of water by evaporation and transpiration from p...
Go to Project | 🌱Smart Green Growth🌱
 # The Problem Around four billion kilograms of plastic is produced annually. 90% of it isn’t recycled. This is a major issue to our health and the environment. Plastic: ◆ Never goes away ◆ Affects human health ◆ Spoils our groundw...
Go to Project | B&C
Plastic Challenge is a gamified app for use with Plastic Free July. Users are rewarded with reducing their plastic usage by a points system. Businesses can join together in a Corporate Challenge against other local businesses to see who can improve plastic habits the most.
Go to Project | Team Chronos