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Team WA!

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Evidence of Work

Wellbeing Activated

Project Info

Team WA! thumbnail

Team Name

Team WA!

Team Members

Frank Liu , Rohini Jha , Narra Siva Brahmanandam , Chhavi , Murad , Reshma Murali and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Wellbeing Activated(WA!) realizes the importance of physical activity in today’s fast-moving world and strive to build a holistic solution to support ‘ACTIVATED’ public spaces approach.
Vision: More-->Better--> Activated
Mission: To facilitate the physical activity, and encouraging people to dwell longer at different times of the day or night, and throughout the year?
This is achieved by :
1)Identifying the personas as - Citizens, Local businesses, Event organizers, Council and IT department and catering the needs on a single platform via WA! App.
2)Engaging with WA! App through omnichannel namely IOT, websites, mobile devices, social media, phone and mails.
3) Seamless and user friendly UX which makes registration and navigation effortless for all age groups.
4) As a citizen, you are capable of
• Add your interests and likings
• Link Your Family Members to your profile
• You can find a place of interest near you including the maps to reach there
• You can find an event that you are interested in near you
• You can get the information about facilities available at any place of interest
5) As an event organizer you can
• Look up a place for opening a pop up
• Identify an identify opportunity of street side vending
• Check the parking availability at public places
• Understand the nature of events happening at the places
• Recommend the Places and Events which Best Suit my Business
• Feedback-Provide Feedback of a place or event
• Report-Report any crime or safety event
• Report-Report any faulty street lighting
6) As an event organizer,
• You are able to look up places for an event
• Know the demography closest to the Place of Interest
• Register an Event and Get the Permission from the council
• Provide Details of the Event like demography, nature of event for better outreach
• Broadcast the event details using Email, Social Media, Notification in the Mobile App, Mail or via the Electronic Murmur Walls
7) As a council,
• Look up and amend the characteristics of a public place
• Approve or reject any events by Event Organizers
• Review the footfall and trends of all my public places
• Get recommendation of various initiatives that can be taken for a public place based on multiple factors
• Look up and act on the success/failures of various initiatives
• Look up and act on various feedbacks, safety concerns raised
8) Algorithms has been used to rate Events and public spaces to recommend suitable opportunities for the personas identified.
9) Suggested intuitive and engaging events to increase the success of the initiatives. (Social media , group activities, murmur wall, COVID inclined games,etc)

#digital #wellbeing #mobility #customised experience #omni channel #activated #engagement #personalised #iot

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

NSW Active transport hub dataset

Data Set

Australia Population Projections

Data Set

NSW Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL)

Data Set

NSW Great Public Spaces Toolkit

Data Set

NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Crime Statistics data

Description of Use BOCSAR provides a collection of crime, court and custody datasets. This page contains a collection of significant crime, court and custody datasets compiled by the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. Most are updated annually or quarterly. They are intended for use by people who want to perform their own analyses. This is used for Crime Rate Analysis

Data Set

Covidlive Data for Australia

Description of Use Anthony Macali Covidlive data dashboard on confluent cloud is used for identifying the Covid Situation in a locale

Data Set

NSW ePlanning Datasets

Description of Use Open public Spaces map are used in our WA application for the users to find their nearest open spaces of their interest.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

ACTIVATED Public Spaces

What makes a public space vibrant, walkable, and encourages people to dwell longer at different times of the day or night, and throughout the year?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.