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SwitchCase Project 1

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Project Open Spaces

Project Info

Team Name

SwitchCase Project 1

Team Members

RJ , AC , Ayush , SK

Project Description

Open spaces is a data and intelligence driven story to capture the ways to improve and create more and engaging public spaces around us.

Open and public spaces appear in various forms and the decision to create a particular type of space is a rather complex one. Various factors like health profiles, socio-economic behaviours, burden of disease , crime rates etc drive the decision and ultimate determine the level of engagement with community for that open and public space

COVID has forever changed how we see and perceive our public spaces. During lockdowns and periods of extreme stress , open and public spaces were a saviour and provided a mechanism to disconnect and destress . There is a strong correlation between mental health and wellbeing with the public spaces.

Our interactive tool will bring together community to engage in the process of creating an inclusive yet practical space. The tool is envisioned to provide a visual mechanism to put ideas together for our open spaces and streets around it. This will serve as a great addition to Planners in determining what the community wants their space to be

We will also look at various aspects of Local and State governments strategic investments and how they will shape the future of the open and public spaces.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Administrative Boundaries Theme – Local Government Area

Description of Use This dataset has been used to convert various other data from suburb to LGA data.

Data Set

National Public Toilet Map

Description of Use The data has been used to display public toilets available by LGA.

Data Set

JobKeeper postcode data

Data Set

COVID-19 cases and tests by local government area

Description of Use The data has been used to show impact of covid by councils.

Data Set

Liquor licence data

Description of Use This data has been used to show a trend of liquor consumption and impact on crime in public spaces.

Data Set

HealthStats NSW

Description of Use The data from health stats have been used to determine trend in mental and physical health issues by each LGA.

Data Set

Your Council Report

Description of Use The time-series data has been used to show trends in expenditure of council funds on public spaces, the count of various public spaces ,

Data Set

Bocsar Crime Stats

Description of Use This dataset has been used to determine crimes that happened in public spaces in various LGA

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Reimagining Digital Government Services

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

Go to Challenge | 26 teams have entered this challenge.


How do we build confidence in the community to use public spaces to support economic, social, cultural and environmental recovery, whether in response to Covid-19, or other disasters such as recent bushfires and floods?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.

MORE Public Spaces

How do we unlock underutilised government owned land and property to create new, high quality public space?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

BETTER Public Spaces

How do we help ensure everyone feels welcome and safe in public spaces (day and night) regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or identity?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

ACTIVATED Public Spaces

What makes a public space vibrant, walkable, and encourages people to dwell longer at different times of the day or night, and throughout the year?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.