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Matchy Matchy

Project Info

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Team Members

Yuxin , Jordan , Isaac , Alvin and 4 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Matchy Matchy is a web based platform to help users find where their skills can be used to help solve the world’s most pressing problems. The platform simply requires you to input your competences and previous jobs, and using data from the Australian Skills Classification, matches you with potential projects where your skills could make a difference. Using Matchy Matchy, you can devote more of your time to working on projects that need your skills to make the world a better place.

People want to do more good for others, and to do this, people have identified and created collections of the world’s most pressing problems. Including databases of the most impactful research projects and top priority jobs that need to be filled.
Deciding which of these many highly pressing projects are a good fit for the individual has been a pressing and largely unsolved problem. Possible options have been to improve the space including offering personal career advice. However, this doesn’t offer a platform where people can put their projects in a centralized way. This very application has been called for in proposals for prize platforms and centralized databases and prototypes for project boards. However, nothing stands out to meet this goal of these proposals, a place where the most pressing projects can be searched.
This project fills in the gap that has been called for and helps to better allocate people not only to jobs that they would be good at, but jobs where they are needed and will have an outsized impact.

#classification #skills #jobs #job skills #occupations #occupation #skillset #qualification #job seekers #job transition

Data Story

We utilised the following dataset:
Australian Skills Classification

The data allowed us to:

  • Gather information on what core competencies a job requires and the tasks an individual might be suited to
  • Recommend jobs or projects to users based on the core competency levels they input, along with their previous jobs
  • Show percentages of how closely a job or project matches to a user
  • Show the user details about the job or project they matched with

This data paints a picture on how we can effectively create a system that allows us to help Effective Altruism to help solve pressing world problems.
We believe by using these datasets, our APP can greatly contribute to EA’s mission!

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Australian Skills Classification data

Description of Use The dataset was used to power the app to provide job match recommendation for users.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Exploring the National Skills Commission’s Australian Skills Classification

How can the general public learn about and be encouraged to interact with the Australian Skills Classification to identify skills within occupations, identify their own skillsets and identify transferability to other occupations of interest?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.