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Team Name:

Mana Jaja

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Evidence of Work

Find My Home

Project Info

Mana Jaja thumbnail

Team Name

Mana Jaja

Team Members

Tash , Matthew , aisjam and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Find My Home allows users to set preferences of what they would prefer in the next area they move to. These preferences are then checked against the ABS data for regions to determine those that fall within the preferences and highlights them on a map. These highlighted areas can then be clicked on for more details to help inform the user with future moving locations.

#migration #interstate-migration #data-informed-decisions #regional-statistics #interactive-map #application #user-centered-design #heat-map

Data Story

According to ABS statistics on internal migration, interstate and metro to regional migration is on the rise, regional Australia had a growth of 1.1% and over 100,000 people have moved in a three month quarter to another state. With these large changes in location, requires an amount of research in the area the next home is located. To address this issue we propose an application that will allow users to determine the area they would like based on their preferences then look for homes in that area. We analysed the data from the ABS website to determine the amount of people that have been moving interstate and to regional areas in the last few years. Based on this data we identified that there were a large amount of people that have been moving around Australia. We built the Find My Home application on data from to obtain stats on the regions to check against the users preferences. To add the regions to the correct locations on the map we used Googles Geocoding API to convert regions addresses into geographic coordinates.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

ERP by SA2 and above (ASGS 2011), 1991 to 2016

Description of Use The foundation data in the application used to gauge preferred locations.

Data Set

Migration, Australia

Description of Use Data was used to determine how people have moved around Australia in the previous years.

Data Set

Regional internal migration estimates, provisional

Description of Use Used to determine the amount of movement done by people within the country.

Data Set

Challenge Entries


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Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Create a solution to a customer need using the ABS Data API

We are excited to provide innovators with machine to machine access to ABS Data and see what exciting customer solutions can be created. Here is a chance to draw in ABS Data and answer an important question through visualisation, mapping or even blending with other data sources. Create a solution to a customer need using data drawn from the ABS Data API.

Go to Challenge | 20 teams have entered this challenge.

Brisbane Olympics

Queensland will host the 2032 Olympic Games in Brisbane. Using Queensland open data, what can we do now to help the state prepare?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Emerging population trends and post-pandemic planning

What is the impact of COVID-19 on reshaping population growth and distribution across NSW?

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

BETTER Public Spaces

How do we help ensure everyone feels welcome and safe in public spaces (day and night) regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or identity?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.