Jobs of the Future NT
Jurisdiction: Northern Territory
How might we identify future jobs and skill shortages in the Northern Territory (NT) based on the NT economic plan and upcoming projects and investments? How might we identify employability skills needed to develop students to meet the future needs of the NT?
Charles Darwin University (CDU) is the largest educational provider of tertiary education in the NT and is committed to supporting a workforce that is skilled and agile.
It is crucial for the CDU Careers Centre to identify future projects and jobs in the Northern Territory in order to work towards identifying the skill gaps and consequently design and deliver customised employability programs and workshops for students to prepare them for the jobs of future.
The Northern Territory (NT) Economic and Infrastructure Plan is updated annually, and details planned projects for the next two years with proposed projects identified in the medium and longer term.
How might we identify future jobs and skill shortages in the Northern Territory based on the NT economic plan and upcoming projects and investments? How might we identify employability skills needed to develop students to meet the future needs of the NT?
It will be good for your project to have a visual presentation where future projects and jobs are identified along with the skill gaps.
Additional Information:
Relevant links:
• https://nt.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/204077/your-workforce-guide-for-employers.pdf
• https://dipl.nt.gov.au/
Image credit: Charles Darwin University
Entry: Challenge entry is only available to teams in Northern Territory.