Small business performance indicators
Jurisdiction: Australia
How can we help small business owners to easily compare how their business is tracking across a range of performance indicators compared to other similar businesses?
The ATO publishes small business benchmarks Compare your business now | Australian Taxation Office and a provides a Business viability assessment tool | Australian Taxation Office.
But financial metrics are only one facet of business performance. Understanding how they are tracking compared to their peers could help small business owners to improve their financial performance and support the valuable contribution they make to the economy and society.
Additional Information:
Image credit: Australian Taxation Office.
Eligibility: Use at least one ATO data set.
Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.
Dataset Highlight
ATO 2019-20 Income snapshot tables data
On-time Payment Report - Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Performance - Queensland
Small Business Benchmarks data by ATO
Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) data explorer
Industry Benchmarks ATO data